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  • Los Santos Police Department

    "Semper ad Justitiam - Always towards Justice"

  • Our Mission 

    The Los Santos Police Department serves as the foremost law enforcement body within the City of Los Santos, dedicated to achieving excellence in upholding the law. We aim to foster a secure and appealing environment for residents, employees, and visitors alike. Collaborating with the community, our mission is to address concerns and enhance public safety through transparent, unbiased, and equitable means.

    Our Values

    Integrity: Integrity is the cornerstone of effective policing. It requires officers to adhere unwaveringly to moral and ethical principles, even in the face of temptation or adversity. By upholding honesty, fairness, and ethical conduct, officers earn the trust and respect of the community they serve. Integrity ensures that law enforcement agencies operate with transparency and accountability, fostering public confidence in their actions and decisions.

    Service: Policing is fundamentally a service-oriented profession. Officers pledge to protect and serve their communities with dedication and compassion. They respond to emergencies, enforce laws, and assist individuals in need, striving to make their neighborhoods safer and more secure. Service entails a commitment to placing the needs of others above personal interests, working tirelessly to uphold public safety and promote the well-being of all community members.

    Accountability: Accountability is essential for maintaining public trust and confidence in law enforcement. It requires officers to take responsibility for their actions, decisions, and the outcomes thereof. When mistakes occur, accountability involves acknowledging them, learning from them, and taking appropriate corrective action. By holding themselves accountable to the highest standards of professionalism and conduct, officers demonstrate their commitment to upholding the rule of law and serving the best interests of the community.

  • Meet the Command Team

    Interim Chief of Police - Barton W.


  • LSPD Divisions

    Detective Bureau

    Captain: Vacant

    As a division under departmental management focused on investigations, our aim is straightforward: to ensure the public's safety and security to the fullest extent possible. Within the Detective Bureau, we strive for this objective by prioritizing rigorous training and adhering to the utmost moral and ethical principles among our team. Our overarching mission is to uphold the city's commitment to service by actively pursuing and apprehending those involved in sophisticated criminal endeavors.

    Traffic Bureau

    Captain: Vacant

    The Traffic Services Unit comprises select officers from the Los Santos Police Department, chosen for their exceptional skills and dedication. These officers concentrate on monitoring traffic across the city, targeting issues such as traffic collisions, impaired driving, and reckless behavior. Our primary objective as a Traffic Services Unit is to safeguard all road users and ensure their safe return home every day. Employing specialized equipment, we detect and address common traffic hazards present on public roads, with a particular focus on high-traffic areas and those with elevated incident rates.

    Transit Bureau

    Captain: Vacant

    The mission of the Transit Police is to guarantee the highest levels of security, integrity, and safety across all transit systems and ports in San Andreas. Our efforts aim to facilitate the smooth operation of the region while prioritizing environmental conservation. Upholding principles of integrity, diversity, and inclusion guides our actions. With these values serving as our cornerstone, our division is fully dedicated to its mission: to sustain the vitality and mobility of the state of San Andreas.

  • Joint Statewide Subdivisions: 

    Subdivisions in this category are managed by representatives from LEO Agencies in San Andreas. To apply for these subdivisions, one must be an active member of a recognized Law Enforcement Agency.

    Air Support Unit (ASU)

     ASU Lead: Vacant

    The Air Support Unit supports the Highway Patrol and other various organizations with day-to-day operations. This is done by providing aerial coverage to the patrol section of Law Enforcement Agencies, aiding them in their calls for service. Deputies who are part of the Air Support Unit are highly skilled and trained in flight operations and go through the Department’s rigorous helicopter and fixed-wing flight training school to earn their wings.  

    Canine Task Force (CTF)

     CTF Lead: Drew Dawson

    The Canine Unit is dedicated to assisting the San Andreas Highway Patrol officers and the citizens they protect through the use of highly trained police canines. The unit strives for exceptionalism from both its dogs and officers. With a variety of different specializations that are accompanied by different training and field-based exercises. The base training for the Canine Unit trains the dog and handler on the ability to find individuals and apprehend them. May it be tracking criminals or discovering remains, all handlers, and their canine companions are skilled in that. 

    Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T.)

     SWAT Commander: Tyler Justice

    The San Andreas Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) Team is an elite unit within San Andreas that is a collaboration among LEO Departments focusing on the safe, swift, and efficient execution of missions to provide on-duty Law Enforcement officers with tactical assistance in stressful and dangerous circumstances.

    SWAT's mission is to provide premier tactical planning, execution, and operational capabilities; to be recognized as the most comprehensive, professional, and effective tactical enforcement entity and service partner to the many other Law Enforcement Agencies in the State of San Andreas.

  • Interested in becoming part of something better?

    Come Join Blue Nation RP! We would love to have you onboard!

  • Become a Officer Today!

    Recruit - OPEN

    Auxiliary - CLOSED

    Transfer - OPEN

  • Los Santos Police Command


    Interim Chief of Police - Barton W. 1A-2
      Deputy Chief of Police - Vacant
    Assistant Chief of Police - Vacant
    Police Commander - Vacant
    Police Commander - Vacant

    Senior Staff

    Staff Members
    Sergeant II
    Sergeant I

    Staff in Training

    Department Members
    Senior Patrol Officer
    Patrol Officer III
    Patrol Officer II
    Patrol Officer I

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