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  • San Andreas State Police Mission Statement

    We aim to provide the highest level of safety, service, and security to the people of San Andreas. This is accomplished through our three departmental goals: 

    - Prevent loss of life, injuries, and property damage
    - Maximize service to the public and assistance
    - Manage traffic and emergency response efforts

  • Our Badge:

    The badge of the San Andreas State Police is a five-point star with the thin blue line in the center, and a ribbon with the rank of the badge holder on the top. Each point represents a fundamental aspect of the department:

    Character | Integrity | Knowledge | Judgement | Honor

  • Our Bureaus:

    Bureau of Air & Costal Operations

    The Bureau of Air and Coastal Operations is formed of unique and specialized units that strive to provide assistance to law enforcement agencies and the general public. This assistance can be provided through aerial assets, vessels, and all-terrain vehicles.

    Bureau of Traffic Enforcement

    The Bureau of Traffic Enforcement strives to enforce the various traffic laws in order to promote safety across the roadways of San Andreas. This is exercised through sobriety tests, speed enforcement, and vehicle inspections. This division also handles commercial vehicle enforcement.

    Bureau of Investigations

    The State Bureau of Investigations handles all criminal and civil investigations involving Law Enforcement Officers from across the state. The team at BCI operate independently from Command of Law Enforcement Officials and report directly to the Command Staff of the overall Law Enforcement Division. They investigate all Criminal Complaints made against Troopers, Officers and Deputies.

  • Joint Statewide Subdivisions: 

    Subdivisions in this category are managed by representatives from LEO Agencies in San Andreas. To apply for these subdivisions, one must be an active member of a recognized Law Enforcement Agency.

    Air Support Unit (ASU)

     ASU Lead: Vacant

    The Air Support Unit supports the Highway Patrol and other various organizations with day-to-day operations. This is done by providing aerial coverage to the patrol section of Law Enforcement Agencies, aiding them in their calls for service. Deputies who are part of the Air Support Unit are highly skilled and trained in flight operations and go through the Department’s rigorous helicopter and fixed-wing flight training school to earn their wings.  

    Canine Task Force (CTF)

     CTF Lead: Drew Dawson

    The Canine Unit is dedicated to assisting the San Andreas Highway Patrol officers and the citizens they protect through the use of highly trained police canines. The unit strives for exceptionalism from both its dogs and officers. With a variety of different specializations that are accompanied by different training and field-based exercises. The base training for the Canine Unit trains the dog and handler on the ability to find individuals and apprehend them. May it be tracking criminals or discovering remains, all handlers, and their canine companions are skilled in that. 

    Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T.)

     SWAT Commander: Tyler Justice

    The San Andreas Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) Team is an elite unit within San Andreas that is a collaboration among LEO Departments focusing on the safe, swift, and efficient execution of missions to provide on-duty Law Enforcement officers with tactical assistance in stressful and dangerous circumstances.

    SWAT's mission is to provide premier tactical planning, execution, and operational capabilities; to be recognized as the most comprehensive, professional, and effective tactical enforcement entity and service partner to the many other Law Enforcement Agencies in the State of San Andreas.

  • Interested in becoming part of something better?

    Come Join Blue Nation RP! We would love to have you onboard!

  • Become a Trooper Today!
    Recruit - OPEN
    Reserve - CLOSED
    Transfer - OPEN

  • High Command

     Colonel - Tyler Justice
     Lieutenant Colonel - DeShawn Martin
     Lieutenant Colonel - Zachary Smith
    Major - Vacant
    Major - Vacant

    Senior Staff

    Staff Members
    First Sergeant

    Staff in Training
    Master Trooper

    Department Members
    Senior Trooper
    Trooper First Class
    Probationary Trooper

    Auxiliary Members
    Senior Auxiliary Trooper
    Auxiliary Trooper

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